- March 12, 2014
- GsolarSVadmin
- 0 Comment
- Category:Products
Wind is naturally available to all and it is free, a quality which makes it desirable to produce
electricity to help save money on big electricity bills and also save the environment. Wind turbines
make a very good option for lighting up houses, small industries, farmhouses, bungalows, etc.
Using a natural resource like the wind is one of best possible solutions for lighting up remote places
or utility-connected homes and industrustries. The different type of wind turbines on offer range
from 1 KW to 20 KW.
Technical Specifications :
Rotor Diameter 46 in (1.15 m)
Weight 13 lb (5.85 kg)
Shipping Dimensions 27 x 15 x 9 in (686 x 38 x 228 mm)
17 lb (7.7 kg)
Mount 1.5 in schedule 40 pipe
1.9 in (48.26 mm) OD
Start-Up Wind Speed 8 mph (3.58 m/s)
Voltage 12, 24, and 48 VDC
Rated Power 400 watts at 28 mph (12.5 m/s)
Turbine Controller Microprocessor-based smart internal
regulator with peak power tracking
Body Cast aluminum (Marine is powder
coated for corrosion protection)
Blades 3-Carbon fiber composite
Overspeed Protection Electronic torque control
Kilowatt Hours per Month 38 kWh/mo at 12 mph (5.4 m/s)
Survival Wind Speed 110 mph (49.2 m/s)
Warranty 3 year limited warranty
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